Call: 919-841-3132

Archive for the Landscapes Category

Old Tiny House in the Woods Painting

Old Tiny House in the Woods.

Old Tiny House in the Woods of Wake Forest NC by Clina Polloni

Old Tiny House in the Woods of Wake Forest NC by Clina Polloni.

by Clina Polloni.

Landscape, oil on canvas board 11”x 14”.

This tiny house is in a historical neighborhood of Wake Forest NC. What a beautiful history and reflection of the past. Step back in time to think about the people that lived in this house. This painting is in a private collection.

#oldtinyhouse #landmark #nchistory #landscape #wakeforestnc #oilpainting #clinapolloniart #clinahpolloni #artistachilena #northcarolinaartist

Old Tiny House in the Woods is © of Clina Polloni.

Call Clina: 919-841-3132


Visit Clina Polloni Art Studio and Gallery
13 Garner Road, Franklinton NC 27527
Take a drive to the beautiful country of North Carolina. Only half an hour from downtown Raleigh.

Serving Raleigh, Cary, Louisburg, Wake Forest, Franklinton and The Triangle Area of North Carolina. Member of The Franklin County Art Council and Wake Forest Guild of Artists, of North Carolina.

Old Railroad Station of Franklinton NC.

Old Railroad Station of Franklinton NC.

by Clina Polloni. Landscape, oil on canvas 16”x 20”.

Old Railroad Station of Franklinton NC by Clina Polloni-oil painting.

Old Railroad Station of Franklinton NC by Clina Polloni-oil painting.

The old train depot remains one of the Town’s most recognizable landmarks of Franklinton NC, known as the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Passenger Depot. It was built in 1886, and is a one-story, rectangular frame building with Italianate, Queen Anne, and Gothic Revival style design elements.

You are cordially invited to the Historic Preservation Architecture Event.

Clina Polloni will be exhibiting her colonial paintings and donating the “Old Railroad Station of Franklinton NC” painting.

Saturday May 14, from 11:00am to 5:00pm.

At The Hudson Manor, 908 Moulton Road Louisburg NC. Step back in time and enjoy a day of ARTs and crafts, good food, music, antique tractors/cars and learn about the history of North Carolina.

#oldrailroadstation #landmark #nchistory #landscape #franklintonnc #oilpainting #clinapolloniart #clinahpolloni #artistachilena #northcarolinaartist

Old Railroad Station of Franklinton NC is © of Clina Polloni.

Call Clina: 919-841-3132


Visit Clina Polloni Art Studio and Gallery
13 Garner Road, Franklinton NC 27527
Take a drive to the beautiful country of North Carolina. Only half an hour from downtown Raleigh.

Serving Raleigh, Cary, Louisburg, Wake Forest, Franklinton and The Triangle Area of North Carolina. Member of The Franklin County Art Council and Wake Forest Guild of Artists, of North Carolina.

Snow Wonderland in the Cabin Painting.

Snow Wonderland in the Cabin by Clina Polloni.

Commissioned painting. Oil on canvas board 11”x 14”.

Is a winter wonderland of a place to be in the mountains.

Snow Wonderland in the Cabin-Snow Landscape by Clina Polloni.

Snow Wonderland in the Cabin-Snow Landscape by Clina Polloni.

Commissioned at the Little ART Gallery, inside The Cotton Company, Wake Forest NC.

#snowpainting #logcabin #commissionedpaining #snowlandscape #littleartgallerync #wakeforestnc #oilpainting #thecottonco #clinapolloniart #clinahpolloni #artistachilena #northcarolinaartist

Call Clina: 919-841-3132


The “Snow Wonderland in the Cabin” painting is © Clina Polloni. 

Visit Clina Polloni Art Studio and Gallery.
13 Garner Road, Franklinton NC 27525.
Take a drive to the beautiful country of North Carolina. Only half an hour from downtown Raleigh.

Snow Wonderland of Grape Vines Painting.

Snow Wonderland of Grape Vines by Clina Polloni

Snow Wonderland of Grape Vines by Clina Polloni

Snow Wonderland of Grape Vines NC.

by Clina Polloni. Landscape, oil on canvas board 8”x 10”.

A wonderland of snow at Clina Polloni ART Studio, where creativity is waiting for you with love!!!

This painting is FOR SALE at the Little ART Gallery, inside The Cotton Company, Wake Forest NC.

#snowpainting #grapevines #ncvineyard #landscape #littleartgallerync #wakeforestnc #oilpainting #thecottonco #clinapolloniart #clinahpolloni #artistachilena #northcarolinaartist


Snow Wonderland of Grape Vines NC is © of Clina Polloni.

Call Clina: 919-841-3132


Visit Clina Polloni Art Studio and Gallery

13 Garner Road, Franklinton NC 27527

Take a drive to the beautiful country of North Carolina. Only half an hour from downtown Raleigh.

Serving Raleigh, Cary, Louisburg, Wake Forest, Franklinton and The Triangle Area of North Carolina. Member of The Franklin County Art Council and Wake Forest Guild of Artists, of North Carolina.


Dry Falls of North Carolina Painting.

Dry Falls of North Carolina Painting

Dry Falls of North Carolina Painting

Water Falls of North Carolina.

Oil Paintings by Clina Polloni.

Water falls that flows on the Cullasaja River through the Nantahala National Forest. A series of waterfalls on a 8.7-mile (14 km) stretch of the river that eventually ends with Cullasaja Falls. Also known as Upper Cullasaja Falls are located in the Nantahala National Forest of North Carolina.

Dry Falls of North Carolina.

Oil Painting on board 16”x 24”.
Spectacular 65-​foot waterfall inside Nantahala National Forest. You can walk underneath a cascade of crystal waters.
The Dry Falls of North Carolina painting is © of Clina Polloni.

Autumn at the Cullasaja River NC- Oil by Clina Polloni.

Autumn at the Cullasaja River NC.

Autumn at the Cullasaja River.

Oil Painting on canvas 24”x 36”.
The autumn colors surround the roaring Cullasaja River near Highlands. The beautiful river runs through a huge gorge that is one of the most scenic …
The Autumn at the Cullasaja River painting is © of Clina Polloni.

Dry Falls Cascade of Water NC.

Oil Painting on canvas board 8”x 10”.
Rocks playing with a cascade of crystal waters.
The Dry Falls Cascade of Water NC painting is © of Clina Polloni.
This painting is in a private collection.

These paintings are FOR SALE at The Little ART Gallery inside The Cotton Company and The Makery in Wake Forest NC.

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Commissioned paintings accepted.

Dry Falls Cascade of Water NC-Oil Painting by Clina Polloni.

Dry Falls Cascade of Water NC.

Call Clina: 919-841-3132

For painting classes information click here >>

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Visit Clina Polloni Art Studio where creativity is waiting for you with love!!!
13 Garner Road, Franklinton NC 27527.
Take a drive to the beautiful country of North Carolina. Only half an hour from downtown Raleigh.

Member of The Makery and The Wake Forest Guild of Artists. Exhibiting at The Cotton Company, The Makery and local business of Wake Forest NC.

Serving Raleigh, Cary, Durham, Wake Forest, Franklinton and The Triangle Are of North Carolina.

Vineyard Sunrise III Painting

Sunrise at the Vineyard III Painting

Sunrise at the Vineyard III

Sunrise at the Vineyard III

A moment of peace and reflection

Oil Painting by Clina Polloni.

Miniature Landscape 5”x 7”.

This painting with frame is FOR SALE at The Cotton Company, Wake Forest NC.

#vineyard #ncsunrise #miniaturepainting #landscape #paintingclasses #wakeforest #thecottonco #oilpainting #sunrisepainting #clinapolloniart #clinahpolloni #artistachilena #northcarolinaartist


Sunrise at the Vineyard III is © of Clina Polloni.

Call Clina: 919-841-3132.

Visit Clina Polloni Art Studio and Gallery.
13 Garner Road, Franklinton NC 27527.
Take a drive to the beautiful country of North Carolina. Only half an hour from downtown Raleigh.

Orange Reflections in The River Painting

Orange Reflections in the River

Orange Reflections in the River

Orange Reflections in The River

By Clina Polloni.

Original oil painting on canvas 30″x 36″.

This is a sunset of the beautiful Oconaluftee River that flows through The Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina. Transitions from blues to reds and yellows reflected in the water.

From this painting a mural was applied to the facade of a buildings in downtown Wake Forest. Learn more >>

This painting is $550 with frame, FOR SALE at The Cotton Company, Wake Forest NC.

#riversunset #ncsunset #oilpainting #socialdistancing #wakeforest #thecottonco #ncmountains #sunsetpainting #clinapolloniart #clinahpolloni

Thomas Allen in front of mural

Thomas Allen in front of mural

Orange Reflections in The River Painting is © of Clina Polloni.

Call Clina: 919-841-3132.

2021 February North Carolina Sunset

Purple Sunset in North Carolina Painting

Purple Sunset in North Carolina Painting

“Purple Sunset in North Carolina”

Oil Painting by Clina Polloni.

Seascape 8”x 10”.

4 steps to paint a purple sunset:

  1. Paint yellows and oranges.
  2. Paint the purple clouds.
  3. Paint the land with green and purple.
  4. Paint the tree and sign your painting.

This painting is $65 with frame, FOR SALE at The Cotton Company, Wake Forest NC.

Purple Sunset in North Carolina

4 steps to paint a Purple Sunset in NC

#purplesunset #ncsunset # #paintingclasses #socialdistancing #wakeforest #thecottonco #oilpainting #sunsetpainting #clinapolloniart #clinahpolloni

Purple Sunset in North Carolina is © of Clina Polloni.

Tar River Painting 2020

“Fishing at the Tar River NC”

Fishing at the Tar River NC Painting

Fishing at the Tar River NC Painting

Oil Painting on canvas by Clina Polloni. 24”x 36”.

From the collection of paintings of North Carolina.

The Sun Is Up at the Tar River NC…a man fishing at the beautiful water falls of the River Bend Park with the colorful rock formations was my inspiration. Louisburg, NC.

This painting is FOR SALE at The Cotton company and local business. Wake Forest NC.

This painting was exhibited at WakeMed North. June 2021. The theme was “We are North Carolina”.

#ncoilpainting #artexhibition #tarrivernc #fishingnc #wakemednc #waterfalls #clinapolloni #wakeforestnc #clinapolloniart #clinahpolloni #chileanartist #northcarolinaartist #littleartgallerync

NC Postcard Blue Ridge Parkway

Blue Ridge Parkway Overlook Postcard.

From Clina Polloni Oil Painting.

Blue Ridge Parkway NC Postcard

Blue Ridge Parkway NC Postcard

A sunset of orange reflections of the beautiful Oconaluftee River that flows through The Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina.

This postcard is FOR SALE $1.50 at The Cotton Company.

306 S. White Street, Wake Forest, NC 27587. 919-570-0087.

View more postcards >>

Learn more about the painting >>

Contact Us
Tel: 919.841.3132

Serving Raleigh, Cary, Durham, Wake Forest, Louisburg, Franklinton and The Triangle Area of North Carolina.

WARNING, all paintings and photos are copyright © by Clina Polloni.

Clina Polloni is a member of The Makery and the Wake Forest Guild of Artists. Her oil paintings are at The Cotton Company and local businesses of Wake Forest NC.

Clina Polloni received the 2017 Franklin County Art Council ARTIST AWARD.

New Paintings and Announcements