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Posts Tagged Emerald Isle

Walkway to the Beach NC Painting.

Card-5.5x5.5-Walkway to the Beach in Emerald Isle-Front

Card-5.5×5.5-Walkway to the Beach in Emerald Isle

Walkway to the Beach in Emerald Isle NC card.

Seascape of a beautiful day at the beach.

This island is part of North Carolina’s Crystal Coast. Located in the southernmost part of the Outer Banks.

This card is FOR SALE at The Little Art Gallery, inside The Cotton Company, located in the historical downtown of Wake Forest NC. 306 S. White Street, Wake Forest, NC 27587.

#emeraldisle #sandwalkway #outerbanks #seascape #nccard #paintingreproduction #wakeforest #oilpainting #thecottonco #clinapolloniart #clinahpolloni #artistachilena #northcarolinaartist #nccrystalcoast

Walkway to the Beach NC- Painting by Clina Polloni

Walkway to the Beach NC- Painting by Clina Polloni

Walkway to the Beach in Emerald Isle NC Painting.

Original oil painting by Clina Polloni.
Oil on canvas board 8”x 10”.

Seascape of a beautiful day at the beach. This island is part of North Carolina’s Crystal Coast. Located in the southernmost part of the Outer Banks.

This painting is in a private collection.

#emeraldisle #sandwalkway #outerbanks #seascape #beachpainting #wakeforest #oilpainting #thecottonco #clinapolloniart #clinahpolloni #seascapeforsale #artistachilena #northcarolinaartist #nccrystalcoast


  1. Titanium White
  2. Cadmium Yellow Light
  3. Yellow Ochre
  4. Burnt Sienna
  5. Phthalo Green
  6. Greenish Umber or Deep Green
  7. Cerulean Blue
  8. Cobalt Blue
  9. Prussian Blue
  10. Indigo Gray
  11. Cassel Earth

Walkway to the Beach in Emerald Isle NC is © of Clina Polloni.

Call Clina: 919-841-3132


Visit Clina Polloni Art Studio and Gallery.
13 Garner Road, Franklinton NC 27527.
Take a drive to the beautiful country of North Carolina. Only half an hour from downtown Raleigh.

Serving Raleigh, Louisburg, Wake Forest, Franklinton and The Triangle Are of North Carolina.
Member of The Franklin County Art Council and Wake Forest Guild of Artists, of North Carolina.

The Last Lights of the Sunset at Emerald Isle NC Painting.

Seascape, The Last Lights of the Sunset at Emerald Isle NC.

Seascape, The Last Lights of the Sunset at Emerald Isle NC.

Seascape, The Last Lights of the Sunset at Emerald Isle NC.

Original oil painting on canvas board by Clina Polloni. 8”x 10”.

Golden reflections of the sun at the point of the island. You can see in the horizon the Intracoastal Waterway.

This painting is FOR SALE at The Cotton Company, Wake Forest NC.

#emeraldisle #sunset #seascape #nccrystalcoast #oceanpainting #wakeforest #oilpainting #thecottonco #clinapolloniart #clinahpolloni #seascapeforsale #artistachilena #northcarolinaartist

This seascape was painted from a photograph taken by my dear friend Phyliss Churchill at Emerald Isle. Every summer we visit her beautiful home in the island. Summer days of relaxation, conversations in the company of good friends.

Emerald Isle is part of North Carolina’s Crystal Coast. Located in the southernmost part of the Outer Banks, an amazing 200-mile stretch of barrier islands.

Oils Colors:

  1. Titanium White
  2. Cadmium Yellow Light
  3. Cadmium Yellow Medium
  4. Cadmium Orange
  5. Cadmium Red Medium
  6. Alizarin Crimson
  7. Cerulean Blue
  8. Prussian Blue
  9. Violet Winsor (Dioxazine)
  10. Mauve

The Last Lights of the Sunset at Emerald Isle NC is © of Clina Polloni.

Card-5.5x5.5-The Last Lights of the Sunset-Front

Card-5.5×5.5-The Last Lights of the Sunset-Front

The Last Lights of the Sunset at Emerald Isle NC card.

Golden reflections of the sun at the point of the island. You can see in the horizon the Intracoastal Waterway.

This card is FOR SALE $2.50 at The Little Art Gallery, inside The Cotton Company, located in the historical downtown of Wake Forest NC. 306 S. White Street, Wake Forest, NC 27587.

#emeraldisle #sunset #seascape #nccrystalcoast #nccard #paintingreproduction #wakeforest #oilpainting #thecottonco #clinapolloniart #clinahpolloni #artistachilena #northcarolinaartist #outerbanks

Call Clina: 919-841-3132

Visit Clina Polloni Art Studio and Gallery.
13 Garner Road, Franklinton NC 27527.
Take a drive to the beautiful country of North Carolina. Only half an hour from downtown Raleigh.

Serving Raleigh, Louisburg, Wake Forest, Franklinton and The Triangle Are of North Carolina.
Member of The Franklin County Art Council and Wake Forest Guild of Artists, of North Carolina.

Sunset in Emerald Isle NC Painting.

Sunset in Emerald Isle NC Painting

Sunset in Emerald Isle NC Painting

Seascape, Sunset in Emerald Isle NC.

Original oil painting by Clina Polloni.

Oil on Canvas 11”x 14”.

Colorful sunset of oranges reflected in the blues of the ocean.”

Emerald Isle is part of North Carolina’s Crystal Coast. Located in the southernmost part of the Outer Banks, an amazing 200-mile stretch of barrier islands.

This painting is FOR SALE at The Cotton Company, Wake Forest NC.

#emeraldisle #sunset #outerbanks #seascape #oceanpainting #wakeforest #oilpainting #thecottonco #clinapolloniart #clinahpolloni #seascapeforsale #artistachilena #northcarolinaartist #nccrystalcoast

Sunset in Emerald Isle NC is © of Clina Polloni.

Call Clina: 919-841-3132


Visit Clina Polloni Art Studio and Gallery.
13 Garner Road, Franklinton NC 27527.
Take a drive to the beautiful country of North Carolina. Only half an hour from downtown Raleigh.

Serving Raleigh, Louisburg, Wake Forest, Franklinton and The Triangle Are of North Carolina.
Member of The Franklin County Art Council and Wake Forest Guild of Artists, of North Carolina.

Aurora in a Silver Ocean Painting

Seascape, Aurora in a Silver Ocean.

by Clina Polloni.

Oil on Canvas 24”x 30”.

The first lights of a summer morning illuminate the silver ocean of Emerald Isle North Carolina. I was inspired to paint this seascape when walking my doggy at 6:00am. A peaceful harmony of silvery blues.”

Seascape-Aurora in a Silver Ocean

Seascape-Aurora in a Silver Ocean

Emerald Isle is part of North Carolina’s Crystal Coast. Located in the southernmost part of the Outer Banks, an amazing 200-mile stretch of barrier islands.

This painting is FOR SALE at The Little ART Gallery inside The Cotton Company, The Makery and local business of Wake Forest NC. @clinapolloni

For more Ocean Waves Paintings click here >>

Commissioned paintings accepted. |
Call Clina: 919-841-3132

Aurora in a Silver Ocean is © of Clina Polloni.

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Visit Clina Polloni Art Studio where creativity is waiting for you with love!!!

13 Garner Road, Franklinton NC 27527.
Take a drive to the beautiful country of North Carolina. Only half an hour from downtown Raleigh.

Member of The Makery and The Wake Forest Guild of Artists. Exhibiting at The Cotton Company, The Makery and local businesses of Wake Forest NC.
Serving Raleigh, Cary, Durham, Wake Forest, Franklinton and The Triangle Are of North Carolina.

Contact Us
Tel: 919.841.3132

Serving Raleigh, Cary, Durham, Wake Forest, Louisburg, Franklinton and The Triangle Area of North Carolina.

WARNING, all paintings and photos are copyright © by Clina Polloni.

Clina Polloni is a member of The Makery and the Wake Forest Guild of Artists. Her oil paintings are at The Cotton Company and local businesses of Wake Forest NC.

Clina Polloni received the 2017 Franklin County Art Council ARTIST AWARD.

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