Call: 919-841-3132

Archive for the Seascapes Category

Aurora in a Silver Ocean Painting

Seascape, Aurora in a Silver Ocean.

by Clina Polloni.

Oil on Canvas 24”x 30”.

The first lights of a summer morning illuminate the silver ocean of Emerald Isle North Carolina. I was inspired to paint this seascape when walking my doggy at 6:00am. A peaceful harmony of silvery blues.”

Seascape-Aurora in a Silver Ocean

Seascape-Aurora in a Silver Ocean

Emerald Isle is part of North Carolina’s Crystal Coast. Located in the southernmost part of the Outer Banks, an amazing 200-mile stretch of barrier islands.

This painting is FOR SALE at The Little ART Gallery inside The Cotton Company, The Makery and local business of Wake Forest NC. @clinapolloni

For more Ocean Waves Paintings click here >>

Commissioned paintings accepted. |
Call Clina: 919-841-3132

Aurora in a Silver Ocean is © of Clina Polloni.

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Visit Clina Polloni Art Studio where creativity is waiting for you with love!!!

13 Garner Road, Franklinton NC 27527.
Take a drive to the beautiful country of North Carolina. Only half an hour from downtown Raleigh.

Member of The Makery and The Wake Forest Guild of Artists. Exhibiting at The Cotton Company, The Makery and local businesses of Wake Forest NC.
Serving Raleigh, Cary, Durham, Wake Forest, Franklinton and The Triangle Are of North Carolina.

Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Painting

Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse, Palm Beach, FL.

Original oil painting by Clina Polloni.

Oil on Canvas, 18”x 24”

“It was a beautiful sunset in Palm Beach Florida. A transition from blues, to yellows and oranges. And in the center standing tall was the red Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse.”

Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Painting

Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Painting

The Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse is located in Palm Beach, Florida, on the north side of the Jupiter Inlet. Standing at 108′. The site for the lighthouse was chosen in 1853. It is located between Cape Canaveral Light and Hillsboro Inlet Light.

Instructions, this painting can be done in acrylics or oils:

  1. Start by drawing the lighthouse, sky and trees.
  2. Do your under-paint or imprimatura with a wash of acrylic gold. Acrylics are very good for under-painting because they dry faster. They create a worm color that once you put the oils or acrylics in the top, they look brighter.

Start painting in the following order because it is going to be easier for you:

  1. Using oils or acrylics, start painting the sky with the beautiful sunset.
  2. Continue with the lighthouse, landscape with palm trees, trees and bushes.
  3. Sign your work of art.

Oils or Acrylics Colors:

  1. Titanium White
  2. Cadmium Yellow Light
  3. Cadmium Yellow Medium
  4. Cadmium Orange
  5. Carmine or Cadmium Red Medium
  6. Cadmium Red Light
  7. Alizarin Crimson
  8. Yellow Ochre
  9. Cerulean Blue
  10. Ultramarine Blue
  11. Sap Green
  12. Thalo Green
  13. Greenish Umber or Deep Green
  14. Burnt Sienna
  15. Van Dyck Brown or a dark brown
  16. Payne’s Gray

Pencil to draw.
Brushes, multi-purpose, polyvalent. There is a 10pc “Artist’s Loft” that provides most of the brushes for the beginning or the Pro Stroke-Power Creative Mark of Jerry’s Arterama. Also Wal-Mart has some fine and medium gold taklon brushes.
For Oil paintings, the best media is Refined Linseed Oil with Refined Turpentine. To clean the brushes Turpernoi. I have some glass containers to mix media.
Paper towel.
Plastic plate to mix colors or a Paper Palette. SOHO has a very reasonable paper palette at Jerry’s Arterama.

Click here for painting classes >>

Call Clina: 919-841-3132

Contact Clina >>

Visit Clina Polloni Art Studio and Gallery.
13 Garner Road, Franklinton NC 27527.
Take a drive to the beautiful country of North Carolina. Only half an hour from downtown Raleigh.

 Serving Raleigh, Cary, Durham, Wake Forest, Franklinton and The Triangle Are of North Carolina.
Member of The Franklin County Art Council and Wake Forest Guild of Artists, of North Carolina.

Three Paintings of The Bald Head Island Lighthouse NC

Bald Head Island Lighthouse Painting by Clina Polloni.

Bald Head Island Lighthouse NC.

Oil Painting on canvas by Clina Polloni. 24”x 30”.

“The texture of the walls of the lighthouse after years of restorations were an inspiration for me.”

#ncoilpainting #nclighthouse #baldheadisland #laureloakforest #littleartgallerync #clinapolloniart #clinahpolloni #chileanartist #northcarolinaartist #wakeforestnc

Bald Head Lighthouse NC, known as Old Baldy, is the oldest lighthouse still standing in North Carolina. It is the second of three lighthouses that have been built on Bald Head Island since the 19th century to help guide ships past the dangerous shoals of the confluence of the Cape Fear River and the Atlantic Ocean.

Three paintings:

These paintings are FOR SALE at The Little ART Gallery, inside The Cotton Company, Wake Forest NC.

Bald Head Lighthouse NC. Known as the “Old Baldy”, is the oldest lighthouse still standing in North Carolina. “The texture of the walls of the lighthouse was an inspiration for me.” Oil on Canvas 24”x 30”.

Old Baldy with Laurel Oak Forest

Old Baldy with Laurel Oak Forest

Old Baldy with Laurel Oak Forest NC, When a storm hits the island, the forest acts as a buffer. Oil on Canvas 18”x 24”.

Reflections, A Window at the Bald Head Lighthouse. Oil on Canvas 24”x 30”.

To paint the Old Baldy follow the instructions:

  1. Start by drawing the lighthouse.
  2. Do your under-paint or imprimatura with a wash of acrylic gold and silver. Acrylics are very good for under-painting because they dry faster. They create a worm color that once you put the oils in the top, they look brighter.
Reflections A Window at the Bald Head Lighthouse

Reflections A Window at the Bald Head Lighthouse

Start painting in the following order because it is going to be easier for you:

  1. Using oils or acrylics, start painting the sky with the clouds.
  2. Continue with the lighthouse and the trees.
  3. Sign your work of art.

To view more seascapes click here >>

For painting classes click here >>

Call Clina: 919-841-3132.

Visit Clina Polloni Art Studio and Gallery.
13 Garner Road, Franklinton NC 27527.
Take a drive to the beautiful country of North Carolina. Only half an hour from downtown Raleigh.

Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Painting

The Cape Hatteras Lighthouse is an original oil painting by Clina Polloni.

Cape Hatteras Lighthouse NC

Cape Hatteras Lighthouse NC

“With its black and white stripes, the emerald and blue colors of the Atlantic Ocean was an inspiration and an addition to the collection of oil paintings that I am doing of North Carolina.”

Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, the tallest in the United States, stands 208 feet (63 m) from the bottom of the foundation to the peak of the roof. Protecting one of the most treacherous stretches of the Outer Banks, NC.

Oil on Canvas 24”x 36”.

This painting, cards and postcards are FOR SALE at The Little ART Gallery inside the Cotton Company in Wake Forest NC.

Instructions of how to do this painting:

  1. Start by drawing the lighthouse in its original place.
  2. Do your under-paint or imprimatura with a wash of acrylic gold and silver. Acrylics are very good for under-painting because they dry faster. They create a worm color that once you put the oils in the top, they look brighter.
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse NC Postcard

Cape Hatteras Lighthouse NC Postcard

Start painting with oils in the following order because it is going to be easier for you:

  1. Using oils, start painting the clouds, sky, ocean, sand and stones.
  2. Using oils paint the lighthouse.
  3. Sign your work of art.

Visit the Seascapes page for more paintings >>
Call Clina: 919-841-3132.

Visit Clina Polloni Art Studio and Gallery.
13 Garner Road, Franklinton NC 27527.
Take a drive to the beautiful country of North Carolina. Only half an hour from downtown Raleigh.
Contact Clina >>

Contact Us
Tel: 919.841.3132

Serving Raleigh, Cary, Durham, Wake Forest, Louisburg, Franklinton and The Triangle Area of North Carolina.

WARNING, all paintings and photos are copyright © by Clina Polloni.

Clina Polloni is a member of The Makery and the Wake Forest Guild of Artists. Her oil paintings are at The Cotton Company and local businesses of Wake Forest NC.

Clina Polloni received the 2017 Franklin County Art Council ARTIST AWARD.

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