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The Majestic Sea Turtle Painting

Oil painting by Kathy Street.

Her “Big Bertha” painting is a Green Sea Turtle.

The Majestic Sea Turtle Painting

The Majestic Sea Turtle Painting

Has one of the most vibrant shells, with a greenish undercarriage. She is one of the three species that lay eggs on the coast of North Carolina.

There are only 7 species of sea turtles and six are endangered. Approximately 1 in 10,000 hatchlings live to adulthood. Depending on the species, it can take between 10 – 30 years before a sea turtle is sexually mature and can lay eggs. The female returns to the general area of her birth to lay her eggs after spending many years in open seas. It is estimated that a sea turtle lives as long as 80 years

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Serving Raleigh, Cary, Durham, Wake Forest, Louisburg, Franklinton and The Triangle Area of North Carolina.

WARNING, all paintings and photos are copyright © by Clina Polloni.

Clina Polloni is a member of The Makery and the Wake Forest Guild of Artists. Her oil paintings are at The Cotton Company and local businesses of Wake Forest NC.

Clina Polloni received the 2017 Franklin County Art Council ARTIST AWARD.

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