Painting Class acrylics oils-House in the Island of North Carolina.
Learn to paint a seascape. “House in the Island of North Carolina“.
August 30 to September 3. Paint the ocean, reflections of a sailing boat and most important the little house in the cliff of the sand dunes. Acrylics or oils, private and group painting classes by appointment. Taught by Clina Polloni. Call 919-841-3132 or email clinapolloni@gmail.com.
#paintingclasses #littleartgallerync #houseintheisland #seascape #wakeforest #thecottonco #oilsclasses #acrylicsclasses #clinapolloniart #clinahpolloni #artistachilena #northcarolinaartist
$30.00 per person for 3 hours. You have the option of learning the painting of the week or selecting a painting from https://clinapolloni.com/painting-classes/.
At The Little Art Gallery, inside The Cotton Company, located in the historical downtown of Wake Forest NC. 306 S. White Street, Wake Forest, NC 27587.
Supply: https://clinapolloni.com/house-in-the-island-of-nc-painting/