Call: 919-841-3132

Posts Tagged Children Painting

Children Goodbyes to the Sailors Painting

Children Goodbyes to the Sailors

Children Goodbyes to the Sailors-painting by Clina Polloni.

Children Goodbyes to the Sailors-painting by Clina Polloni.

Oil Painting by Clina Polloni. 16”x 20”.

Children playing, wishing farewell to the sailors. Their fathers, brothers, or friends are going to the blue and teal waters of the sea. A happy goodbye and a hope that they will come back safe.

From the collection of the Colonial People of North Carolina.

This painting is FOR SALE at local businesses of Wake Forest NC. @clinapolloni

#childrenplaying #colonialpeoplenc #sailboat #littleartgallerync #clinapolloni #wakeforestnc #oilpainting #clinapolloni #thecottonco #clinapolloniart #clinahpolloni #artistachilena #northcarolinaartist #paintingforsale #chileanartist

Children Goodbyes to the Sailors Painting is © of Clina Polloni.

You can view more paintings of the “Colonial Life in North Carolina”:

Commissioned paintings accepted.

Call Clina: 919-841-3132


Visit Clina Polloni Art Studio and Gallery.
13 Garner Road, Franklinton NC 27527.
Take a drive to the beautiful country of North Carolina. Only half an hour from downtown Raleigh.

 Serving Raleigh, Cary, Durham, Wake Forest, Franklinton and The Triangle Are of North Carolina.
Member of The Wake Forest Guild of Artists. Exhibiting at local business of North Carolina.

Sisters Love Painting

Sisters Paintings

Sisters Love-Oil Painting by Clina Polloni.

Sisters Love-Oil Painting by Clina Polloni.

Oil Paintings by Clina Polloni

“Expressions of caring for one another! Memories of growing up”.
From the collection of the Colonial People of North Carolina

Sisters Love

Painting of two sisters sharing their love with red poppies.
Oil Painting on canvas 16”x 20”.
Sisters Love Painting is © of Clina Polloni.

The Highland Girl

This painting was inspired by this beautiful Scottish Girl that I talked to at the “Highland Games”. Grandfather Mountain of North Carolina. She made her own dress and she was so proud of it!
Oil on canvas 18″x24″.
The Highland Girl Painting is © of Clina Polloni.

Sisters Chatting

Two sisters chairing their dippiest secrets, looking for advice.
Oil on canvas board 9″x 12″.

These paintings are FOR SALE at The Little ART Gallery inside The Cotton Company, and The Makery in Wake Forest NC.

Back to Portraying the People of NC >>

Commissioned paintings accepted.
Call Clina: 919-841-3132

Visit Facebook:

Visit Clina Polloni Art Studio where creativity is waiting for you with love!!!
13 Garner Road, Franklinton NC 27527.
Take a drive to the beautiful country of North Carolina. Only half an hour from downtown Raleigh.

Member of The Makery and The Wake Forest Guild of Artists. Exhibiting at The Cotton Company, The Makery and local business of Wake Forest NC.

Serving Raleigh, Cary, Durham, Wake Forest, Franklinton and The Triangle Are of North Carolina.

#childrenportrait #colonialpeoplenc #sisterslove #littleartgallerync #wakeforestnc #oilpainting #clinapolloni #thecottonco #clinapolloni #clinapolloniart #clinahpolloni #artistachilena #northcarolinaartist #flowerpainting #chileanartist

Children Sleigh Ride A Christmas Painting.

Learn To Paint Children.

Painting Class Taught by Clina Polloni.

Painting Class acrylics oils-Children Sleigh Ride.

Painting Class acrylics oils-Children Sleigh Ride.

Christmas is here and is a wonderful time to celebrate with a new painting! I was inspired by my husband Thom’s three children playing in the snow when they were small. Joyful days of growing up in their beautiful farm in Franklinton, North Carolina.


Acrylics: You can buy them at Michael’s or Hobby Lobby. Jerry’s Arterama offers SOHO, Urban Artistic Acrylics. Excellent paintings, sold at a more reasonable price. 3060 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27609. (919) 876-6610.

Oil Paintings: You can buy them at Michael’s or Hobby Lobby, but again the most affordable ones are at Jerry’s Arterama and their brand is LUKAS.

Canvas: 11”x 14” or 12″x 16″

Under-paint with acrylics: A wash of Raw Sienna and Titanium White.


  1. Titanium White
  2. Cadmium Yellow Medium
  3. Yellow Ochre
  4. Raw Sienna
  5. Burnt Umber or Van Dyke Brown
  6. Flesh, Portrait Pink or Pale Pink
  7. Cadmium Red Medium
  8. Cadmium Red Light
  9. Alizarin Crimson
  10. Deep Magenta
  11. Dioxazine Purple
  12. Ultramarine Blue
  13. Prussian Blue
  14. Ivory Black

There are many affordable brushes in the market:

Walmart: FolkArt, Gold Taklon, fine details and shading corners detail.

Michael’s: Artist’s Loft, white synthetic brushes.

Jerry’s Arterama: Pro Stroke-Power Creative, fine and medium brushes.

1 White Bristle flat #2.

Ultra-Fine Sharpie Permanent Markers 1 set of all colors.

For Oil paintings, the best media is Refined Linseed Oil with Turpernoi. To clean the brushes Turpernoi. Glass container to mix media.

Easel (a simple table metal easel is fine).

Paper towel.

Paper/plastic plate and glass. SOHO has a very reasonable paper palette at Jerry’s Arterama.

Pencil, ruler and rubber raiser.

You can learn and enjoy to do this painting in the painting classes >>

Call Clina: 919-841-3132


#paintingclasses #childrenpaintingclass #childrensleighride  #littleartgallerync #thecottonco #oilsclasses #acrylicsclasses #clinapolloniart #clinahpolloni #artistachilena #northcarolinaartist #wakeforestnc

Visit Clina Polloni Art Studio and Gallery.
13 Garner Road, Franklinton NC 27527.
Take a drive to the beautiful country of North Carolina. Only half an hour from downtown Raleigh.

Contact Us
Tel: 919.841.3132

Serving Raleigh, Cary, Durham, Wake Forest, Louisburg, Franklinton and The Triangle Area of North Carolina.

WARNING, all paintings and photos are copyright © by Clina Polloni.

Clina Polloni is a member of The Makery and the Wake Forest Guild of Artists. Her oil paintings are at The Cotton Company and local businesses of Wake Forest NC.

Clina Polloni received the 2017 Franklin County Art Council ARTIST AWARD.

New Paintings and Announcements