Call: 919-841-3132

Hispanic Culture

The Market Girl Painting

The Market Girl Painting

Paintings of Hispanic Culture by artist Clina Polloni

People, homes and landscapes representing the life and customs of Chile, South America and other Hispanic countries.

Clina’s paintings are for sale at her studio, The Cotton Company in Wake Forest and local businesses.

You can commission an oil painting from a photo or a place that you have been.

Portfolio of Hispanic Paintings:

Information about the paintings:

“The Market Girl” – 18”x 24”. In the Hispanic culture it is a tradition to go to the market, where the local people brings their fresh fruits, vegetables and craft. This girl is showing her flowers and vegetables with her colorful hand netted ponchos. Learn more >>

The Fishermen – 24”x 36”. Painting of the beautiful fishing town of Constitucion, Chile. Based on a painting that my great-grandfather did in 1913. Learn more >>

Lanchas ChilotasFishing boats from the south of Chile. 2 paintings:
Las Perlas del Sur and Lancha Pesquera Chilota. Learn more >>

“Lago Llanquihue” – 24”x 30”. Located in the South of Chile. Clear blue waters surrounded by rolling green pastures. Click here for a list of supply for this painting >>

“Casa de Paja” – 30”x 36”. In the early years of Chile, even in the 1800’s, farmers planted their wheat in the fields and when the harvest was all over, they built their thatched houses with straw. Click here for information >>

“Casa de Campo en Chile”– 24”x 30”. This is a painting of an adobe house in the central region of Chile. For information about this painting. Click here >>

“White Adobe Church” – 16″x 20″. This painting was inspired by my life in Rabones, a valley of dreams located in the mountains of the central region of Chile. Supply and Instruction>>

“The Valley of Rabones” – 24”x 36”. Once I had a farm in the beautiful Valley of Rabones, in the central region of Chile, is called “Region del Maule”. This painting is in a private collection.

“1800s Vineyards House Painting” – 11’x 14″. Farm house in the vineyards land of Chile. this painting is in a private collection. Click here for instructions and supply >>

Clina Polloni is a contemporary artist born in Chile, winner of the Franklin County Art Council, NC. 2017 Artist Award. Her oil paintings are inspired by her love for people, animals and nature. Her new project: “The motif of the human figure in a dialogue with natures light and colors.” In these new paintings she is portraying people in their environment and activities, representing the American and Hispanic Culture.


Paintings by Clina Polloni People of NC  People of North Carolina >>
Paintings by Clina Polloni Landscapes  Landscapes >>
Paintings by Clina Polloni Seascapes  Seascapes >>
Lighthouses Paintings by Clina Polloni Lighthouses >>
Paintings by Clina Polloni Flowers  Flowers >>
Paintings by Clina Polloni Still Life  Still Life >>
Paintings by Clina Polloni Hispanic  Hispanic Culture >>
Paintings by Clina Polloni Quilt Blocks  Quilt Blocks >>
Paintings by Clina Polloni Gourds  Gourds of NC >>
Paintings by Clina Polloni Opera  Opera Paintings >>

Paintings by Clina Polloni Portraits  People Oil Portraits >>
Paintings by Clina Polloni Children Portraits  Oil Children Portraits >>
Paintings by Clina Polloni Pet Portraits  Pet Oil Portraits >>

Clina’s paintings are for sale at her studio, The Cotton Company, The Renaissance Centre for The Arts in Wake Forest and The Franklin County Art Council in Louisburg NC.

Contact Us
Tel: 919.841.3132

Serving Raleigh, Cary, Durham, Wake Forest, Louisburg, Franklinton and The Triangle Area of North Carolina.

WARNING, all paintings and photos are copyright © by Clina Polloni.

Clina Polloni is a member of The Makery and the Wake Forest Guild of Artists. Her oil paintings are at The Cotton Company and local businesses of Wake Forest NC.

Clina Polloni received the 2017 Franklin County Art Council ARTIST AWARD.

New Paintings and Announcements